An X-rated video allegedly starring Rihanna has been released on the internet, confirming the singer's reported fears that a sex tape she made with ex-boyfriend Chris Brown could go public.
Video stills from the clip surfaced several weeks ago, but it's unclear whether the shots were actually genuine.
This newly released footage, shot in very poor light, runs for only 13 seconds and shows Rihanna (or someone who looks a lot like her) writhing around with Chris Brown (or someone who we're expected to assume is Chris Brown). The clip was posted along with a note saying that more footage would be released on June 22 — the date of Chris Brown's court hearing for assault.
Debate is raging online as to whether or not the clip is the real deal, with many porno aficionados arguing that the star of the film is actually Lavish Styles — a porn actress who bears a striking resemblance to Rihanna.
Understandably, Rihanna hasn't commented yet on the whole debacle.
I don't know if this is 100% true or false, but this is so mean! Don't u think she has gone through enough? It's just disgusting that anyone could be so cruel! It proves why so many celebrities get f*cked up because the media just pushes too far!
that's the price that celebrities should's cruel but reality is cruel..They supposed to know when they decided to be a celebrity...
what is it with the people these days? i really hope its a fake because if it were real, the person who released this is probably thinking "YES! I'VE GOT HER NOW!" because a lot of people are gonna be ill-thinking Rihanna! if this is a fake, i hope the person who released it is taught a lesson in court! LAY OFF THE POOR GIRL! i mean, just because shes famous! that is NO EXCUSE!
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